Friday, June 18, 2010

Family in Hawaii

June 18, 2010

I woke up this morning to the sound of my granddaughter Madison playing downstairs in our condo in Hawaii, such a pleasant sound. To give everyone else the time to sleep, I decided to take my two babies on a walk. We walked the grounds at Turtle Bay and up to the hotel. It is hard to describe the beauty of Hawaii, especially in the morning. It is sort of something you just have to experience. It is more than the scenery, which is exquisite, it's the sounds of the ocean and birds and rustling leaves of trees blowing in the trades. Then there is the smell, mostly of Plumeria and the way the air feels like a warm bath. You can't explain it, you just have to feel it.

Yesterday was a day of fun on the beach. We went to Waimea where Ted Warren, Michelle and Scott decided they needed a little adventure so they went cliff jumping. The cliffs at Waimea are about 40-50 feet high and go right into the ocean. It is a popular spot for locals and daring tourists. All three of them had great jumps into the waiting ocean water and decided to head for the caves. I think they wanted more adventure! The caves are a short swim from the cliffs. Pretty soon all three of them entered the cave. I decided I needed a better look so I had to climb the lava rocks to get to them. My motherly instincts kicked in as I watched the waves roll in and out, some of them much larger and more powerful than I wanted them to be. Like I said I was just being a mother because if I was 30 years younger I would be right in there with them. It was a thrill I am sure!

Later, we went to our favorite local restaurant called Hukilau Cafe for lunch. They serve two heaping scoops of rice, maccaroni salad and whatever else you order. My favorite is garlic shrimp; Ted's is a combination of skirt-steak, mahi-mahi, and shrimp. This is definitely Polynesian style. What we love best about Hukilau Cafe is the hospitality. Every time we go, we are welcomed as locals which is synonymous with family. It is one of those places where everyone who goes there knows everyone else and all the workers. We usually leave with a full stomachs and hugs and kisses from the staff.

After lunch we decided to visit Ted Warren's old "stomping grounds" at BYUH. He visited with one of his favorite professors, Dr. MacArthur. Ted, Michelle, Scott, and I wandered around the campus and into the bookstore for about an hour waiting for Ted Warren. When we finally pulled Ted away from his old professor we took a drive to Laiea Point. All I can say about this is it is breathtaking and amazing.

Today I am working on this post as Ted Warren, Michelle, and Scott are snorkeling and probably exploring caves at Sharks Cove. My husband is doing a little business in Haliewa, Melissa is taking a much needed rest in the sun, poolside. Madison is taking a nap and Eva is playing with toys on the floor next to me. We are waiting for Brent and Heidi to arrive today. Their wedding is on Wednesday. I am sure that things will get hectic as we wait for friends and relatives to arrive from the mainland and we get closer to the wedding, but for now, I am enjoying the peace, the quiet, and the beauty of Hawaii.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Thoughts on Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It is the second day of my summer vacation. I love the time it affords me to catch up on things I need to do at home. I also love the time it gives me to reflect on the really important things in life. Now that I have discovered how to blog I need to write them down. Just recently I read one of my friend's stories written for a college paper. She wrote it in a way where she would talk about her life, her struggles, her joys, and then her ancestor's going back and forth between the two. As I read I shared with her and recalled stories in my past and interestingly enough became very connected on a new level with my friend and her ancestor. I enjoyed finding out how similar the three of us really are, but more importantly, I realized that if we share with others who we are and how we think and what we experience we stay part of their lives and their children's lives. And since I have a deep and abiding faith that we are here to prove our worthiness to return to our Father in Heaven and be part of a much larger family we need to stay connected and to learn from each other as we venture through our lives.

This is why I am writing in my blog today. Nothing really big happened yesterday. As a matter of fact, I spent most of the day at home sewing. Even though that seems sort of ordinary it really isn't and I will talk about that later. However, I began the day having part of my family here, something that I always love. Ted Warren, Melissa, and my two granddaughters, Madison, and Eva came for a little visit and laundry catch up! I love their laundry because they come with piles and piles and I know that it will take a whole day for Melissa to wash it. Because it takes a whole day, they usually spend the night as well so because of that laundry I get to play with and enjoy my grandchildren! So fun!

Maddie is such a character! She has an insatiable curiosity and is always on the move. When she sees me in the morning she literally comes running with open arms. That in itself is heartwarming. She watches as I put on my make up and explores my drawers...and then my closet...and back to my drawers. I say drawers, but it is really only one that I allow her to get into. She pulls items out, looks at them, says something about them in her own language, and then tries to put them back, and, of course, they are put back in Maddie's own order which is not the same as Grandma's. I usually have to rearrange that drawer every time I get these little visits. But, I enjoy every minute of it! Yesterday, she watched as I put on deodorant. She looked at me and then pulled up her shirt so she could have some on like Grandma. So, I thought, okay, it won't hurt her so I started to roll it on her. It was cold, she squealed and that was all she needed! Then she was off to something new to explore.

Eva is cuddly and sweet. She loves to sit on the floor and play with blocks. She watches everything around her. She has a heart warming smile and smiles frequently. She looks at me with big green eyes and I just want to be able to ask her what she is thinking. She looks so intense as she explores her world.

Before Ted, Melissa, and the girls left to return to Santa Cruz, we visited with Mom & Dad. Dad is beginning to have more signs of dementia but still knows who we are. The visit was a beautiful experience. The babies bring such joy to my parents and once again Maddie darts from place to place trying to discover what new and fun things are in my parent's apartment. Eva sits and smiles and warms their hearts.

I return home to sew and I am beginning to panic about needing to get back to my project even as I write this blog. I am sewing my dress for Brent and Heidi's wedding in Hawaii in just two weeks now. But, in addition to my dress, I am taking in Melissa's dress and making a shrug for Michelle and a jacket for my dress. Yikes! All of this sewing is important and I am getting great joy out of it, panic also comes along with this, but as I think about the purpose in it I love doing it.

My Thoughts on Tuesday, June 8, 2010